A play performed at the Theater in der Drachengasse in the city of Vienna.

Review in the "Wiener Zeitung":
Eric wakes up one day to discover that Hero, (his Ego and rational 'left-brain') along with Zero (his emotional 'right-brain') are not where they are supposed to be, in his head, but are manifested as two distinct personalities, and they're sitting on his bed! All the crazy thoughts within Eric's brain are now played out by Hero and Zero - right in front of him! Eric becomes their puppet and they do everything in their power to distract, confuse and manipulate him. This comedic play follows Eric through a day-in-the-life as he struggles to overcome their subtle games in order to connect to the only real thing in his life - his true self.
“Hero und Zero”, eine glänzend gebaute Komödie des britischen Autors Steve Jones, ist jetzt im Theater Drachengasse im Raum Bar & Co. zu sehen, in einer minutiösen, einfallsreichen Inszenierung von Elfriede Schüsseleder. Da stimmt bei den Mimen jede Geste. Das brillante Darstellerquartett (unter anderem mit Eva Maria Neubauer) gibt sich ausgeflippt bis nachdenklich, die Gesangs- und Tanznummern sind perfekt.
Schräge Unterhaltung vom Feinsten.
Hero und Zero
Von Steve Jones
Elfriede Schüsseleder (Regie)
Stage set: Marianne Schulz
Mit: Werner Landsgesell, Vanessa Payer-Kumar, Eva Maria Neubauer, Christina Trefny
Theater Drachengasse/Bar & Co.
Mit: Werner Landsgesell, Vanessa Payer-Kumar, Eva Maria Neubauer, Christina Trefny
Theater Drachengasse/Bar & Co.
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